If you or someone close to you has a disability or requires special assistance, please call the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office at 303-271-0211. In an emergency, always dial 911.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bluebell Fire Initial Update

At approximately 2:00 PM a fire was reported in the area of  the 33000 block of BlueBell Circle.  The fire was titled the "Bluebell Fire" at 3:20 PM.  As of 4:30 PM the fire was approximately 4 acres in size and was moving in a southwestern direction.  100 homes are currently threatened by the fire but no structures have been lost.

A CodeRED emergency evacuation alert was sent to 9,911 phone numbers at 3:05 p.m.  A second call was placed at 3:50 p.m. to 2,829 phones.

The evacuation alert called for a level 3 evacuation within a four mile radius of the 33000 block of BlueBell Circle.  The level 3 evacuation area is bordered to the South by Hwy 285, North to Buffalo Park Road, East to Hwy 73, and West to the Jefferson County Line.

Clear Creek County executed a level three evacuation of the Brookforest Estates in Clear Creek County.

An evacuation shelter has been set up at Conifer High School.

Large animals may be evacuated to the Jefferson County Fairgrounds and small animals may be taken to the Foothills Animal Shelter in Golden.

A helicopter is making water drops single engine air tanker (SEAT) is on scene assisting in the fire fighting efforts.

Media staging area will be at the Evergreen Fire Station (was initially reported as Evergreen High School - this has since changed).

For further updates on this incident please follow this blog.  We are also providing updates on Twitter via @jeffcosheriffco