If you or someone close to you has a disability or requires special assistance, please call the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office at 303-271-0211. In an emergency, always dial 911.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

#LimeGulchFire Social Media Data and Analysis

On 6/19/13 the Jefferson County Type III Incident Management Team (IMT) Public Information unit was activated to support the Lime Gulch Fire response.  The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) responded quickly by using twitter and facebook to broadcast information about the fire and evacuations.  Shortly thereafter the Jefferson County Emergency Blog was activated and an interactive google map was created.

The first tweet went out at approximately 1:28 PM on 6/19/13.  By the evening of the 19th the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office had posted 106 tweets reaching a combined impressions number of 4,029,775.  15 facebook posts had also been issued reaching a collective 60,148 impressions.  The Emergency Blog had been updated 9 times.  Pageviews to the blog, on the 19th alone, reached 19,475.

The final blog post was titled: “Final Update: Type 2 Team to take Control of the Lime Gulch Fire”.  This was posted at 7:20 PM on the 19th.  After this blog post was published the Jefferson County Type III IMT PIO unit was demobilized. From this point forward the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office supported and amplified the public information messages that were subsequently shared by the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the incoming Rocky Mountain Team B Type II Incident Management Team.

Through the duration of the incident the JCSO tracked various social media and pageview data related to the JCSO accounts (twitter, facebook, blogger, and google map).  JCSO also tracked the following hashtags on twitter: #COFIRE, #ChairRockFire, and #LimeGulchFire.  This report contains a number of archival and analytical reports produced as a result of the tracking that was completed.  JCSO did not track data for the USFS twitter pages or for Inciweb.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office is releasing the social media reports and analysis with the US Forest Service and with the general public. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office recognizes that the SMEM (Social Media for Emergency Management) and VOST (Virtual Operations Support Team) community continues to be an evolving movement.  We are releasing our data so that the community as a whole can emulate the positives demonstrated during this incident and learn from the lessons learned during the same.

For more information regarding this report please contact the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office via the Public Information Unit.  If there is additional data or documentation that you think should be a part of this report please contact us at jeffcosheriff@gmail.com.  Thank you.


Summary Documents

Jefferson County Emergency Blog

JCSO Google Map

@JeffcoSheriffCo Tweets

Hashtags - Tracked by Simply Measured and Rowfeeder.com

Jefferson County Sheriff Facebook Page

USFS Tweets


Online Communities

Other Sites/Blogs

Radio Scanners
Colorado Mutual Aid

#BlueBellFire Social Media Documentation and Analysis

On June 3, 2013 the Jefferson County Type III Incident Management Team (IMT) Public Information Officer (PIO) unit was activated to respond to the Bluebell Fire.  

At approximately 2000 hours on Tuesday June 4, 2013 the IMT passed control of the fire back to Evergreen Fire.  At that time the PIO team was demobilized and the PIO effort passed back to Evergreen Fire as well as to the traditional JCSO PIO/Community Relations channels.

While this fire was relatively small and insignificant in comparison to other incidents the JCSO IMT PIO team observed that the level of attention and engagement by the public was very high.  The number of visits to the blog and google map, along with the high number of twitter RT and Facebook share rates, prove that the community has learned to use social media tools during incidents.  The data further confirms that the JCSO IMT PIO team must continue to use social media posts and engagement as a key essential piece of their overall public information strategy.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office is releasing the social media reports and analysis with the general public. The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office recognizes that the SMEM (Social Media for Emergency Management) and VOST (Virtual Operations Support Team) community continues to be an evolving movement.  We are releasing our data so that the community as a whole can emulate the positives demonstrated during this incident and learn from the lessons learned during the same. 

For more information regarding this report please contact the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office via the Public Information Unit.  If there is additional data or documentation that you think should be a part of this report please contact us at jeffcosheriff@gmail.com.  Thank you.
Summary Data
Table of Contents         

Jefferson County Emergency Blog:

JCSO Google Map

@JeffcoSheriffCo Tweets

#BlueBellFire Hashtag

@JeffcoSheriffCo Mentions

#CoFire Hashtag

Jefferson County Sheriff Facebook Page


Online Communities

Other Sites/Blogs

Radio Scanners

Other Maps
Google Public Alerts Map   http://www.google.org/publicalerts?hl=en&gl=US#v=40.0390307,-104.994919,39.031268,-105.4442524&z=8