The Lower North Fork Fire is now 45% Contained.
A total of 3.5 miles of containment line was cut by fire crews today.
The current standing evacuation includes 180 homes. These homes are located in the following neighborhoods: Kuehster, Critchell, and Maxwell Hill.
All local home owners with confirmed damaged properties have been escorted to their property by the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office. There are two homeowners who have not made it back to their property because they are coming from out of the area.
The Urban Search and Rescue Team has continued to search for the missing person, Ann Appel. They have covered over 219 acres during their search.
The fire behavior that was observed today was primarily creeping ground fire with some areas of smoldering in heavier fuels.
The challenge for the next 24 hours is managing the very technical and difficult terrain. The challenge for the coming weekend will be the potential for higher winds. Contingency plans are in place in the event that the wind pushes the fire over existing and future containment lines.
The Intermountain Rural Electric Association (IREA) Power company has worked to reestablish power to previously evacuated homes.
Continue to follow for additional updates.